

年龄:forever young
All my life,is waiting for you

Five traps for managers in transition

2009-08-15 02:45 阅读(?)评论(0)

Managers in transition face a lot hurdles when they try to do their jobs.

The very important goal for a manager in transition to pursue is early wins.If a manager can achieve these early wins,the rest of his job will be easier.These early wins can vindicate his boss  promotion decision, and assure his subordinates this supervisor is the person they want.

However,if managers want to get these quick wins,according to Mark E.Van Buran and Todd Safferstone,they should be careful of five traps affront.

Trap 1:Focusing too heavily on details.Many managers would apply their previous successful experiences on the new positions,one of which is focusing on details.But they just miss the big pictures here,and this somehow would overlap with the subordinates’ function,cause them to lose their diginity and confidence.After all,managers should always focus on the big picture,and do things according to his priority menu.

Trap 2:Reacting negatively to criticism.Due to his former success,the manager may be a little too optimistic,even to some point,a little too bossy.He may tend to view those criticism as aggression,and sometimes,just find some ways to retaliate.These improper actions will alienate himself from other people,make him isolated.

Trap 3:Intimidating others.If a manager always shows complacency,think things are just under control,and he will get a promotion sooner or later.These actions will also alienate the manager from other people.Without his subordinates or his peers support,not to mention the promotion,his current job will be mired.

Trap 4:Jumping to conclusions.Some managers are just so eager to get some quick wins.But lacking full consideration,they may find them stuck in the mud.

Trap 5:Micromanaging.Some managers don’t trust his subordinates.They just believe in hands-on operations.This not only costs them a lot of time,but also not good for forming a good team.The team members will lose their enthusiasm.

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